Hey there! I’m Raman Ebrahimi, a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California, San Diego supervised by Prof. Parinaz Naghizadeh, where I dive into the fascinating world of machine learning and data science.

My academic adventure began with a quirky mix of Physics and Industrial Engineering during my bachelor’s studies, setting the stage for a unique blend of expertise and giving me a unique lens to view and solve intriguing puzzles.

My professional passions lie at the intersection of network economics, game theory, network science, and computational social science. I’m fascinated by the complexities of networks and the intricate interplay of economics and social dynamics within them. My approach isn’t just theoretical; I’m hands-on with Python, R, and various machine learning methodologies, applying them to untangle the knots of these interdisciplinary fields.

I’m particularly jazzed about bringing theoretical models to life in real-world networks. Think of me as a bridge between complex theories and practical solutions, using cool optimization algorithms to make sense of decision-making processes.

But hey, life’s not all about algorithms and networks. When I’m off the grid, you’ll find me climbing - because why just solve economic puzzles when you can conquer boulder problems too?

Thanks for dropping by my digital space! Here, I share my professional escapades, insights, and a glimpse into the thrilling realm of networks and data science. Feel free to contact me for any inquiries or to discuss potential collaborations. I’m always open to new ideas, partnerships, and projects that push the boundaries of our understanding in these exciting fields.